Monday, December 6, 2010

Theatre treat for city

CHANDIGARH: The Ibsen Theatre Festival from December 7 to December 11, a special initiative by UT department of cultural affairs, is going to celebrate the works of Henrik Ibsen, the father of modern theatre.
This 19th century playwright is known for works such as 'A Doll's House', 'Ghosts', and 'The Master Builder'. The festival would touch upon the aspects of work in Ibsen's plays to do with folklore, tradition and rituals that usually go untouched through plays like 'Peer Gynt', 'The Master Builder', 'The Mountain Bird' and 'When We Dead Awaken'. Renowned theatre personalities like Deepan Sivaraman, B Jayashree, Lars Oyno and Saulius Varnas from India and abroad have directed the plays.
'The Mountain Bird' is a story about a girl who gets separated from her family due to the 1975 plague and begins living alone near a river. She begins to act like a crazy mountain bird, when she comes in contact with human beings years later. The play explores human emotions of loneliness. Emotions are also explored in 'When We Dead Awaken', the story about an aging sculptor, Arnold Rubek, who achieves international fame through his sculpture 'The Day of the Resurrection'. Irene, his model during the play, falls in love with him but leaves when Rubek doesn't reciprocate. The sculptor finds that his art has begun to diminish slowly after Irene leaves. The play has been directed by Saulius Varnas. The winner of seven prestigious Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards, Deepan Sivraman will be staging 'Peer Gynt'

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